VITO develops technology to facilitate the transition to a more sustainable society and economy. One of the key technologies applied in this context is Remote Sensing. With the increasing number of satellites, drones, processing facilities and technologies like artificial intelligence, the opportunities with remote sensing are larger than ever. Meanwhile the Remote Sensing team of VITO counts more than 120 motivated scientists, IT engineers and project managers. To facilitate the growth of our ambitions we are looking for an extra colleague, more specifically a project manager.
You will be full time employed as a project manager in VITO’s Remote Sensing team. This means that you will manage large projects (up to a few meuro) for institutional clients like the European Commission, the European Space Agency, or the United Nations. While the majority of your portfolio will be institutional clients, also commercial clients could be part of your account. You will oversee projects from initiation till closing, making sure the work gets done efficiently and satisfactorily.
This function requires expert skills with respect to project management. You should be able to handle large and complex projects, where you take the lead over an international partnership. This requires excellent management skills, social skills, negotiation power, planning & budgeting experience, and a delegating attitude. You should be a borne problem solver and, in the end, create the perfect environment for your internal and external R&D colleagues who perform the scientific work. You don’t have to be an expert in Remote Sensing, or Vegetation Mapping. But a general understanding of these domains and knowledge of the funding ecosystem in which we operate is a strong asset.
In VITO you will report on the progress of your projects to the team manager and the program manager. Outside VITO you will communicate frequently with clients and partners. Hence, excellent writing and presenting skills are key.
Belgium Aerospace Engineer Biomedical Engineer Chemical Engineer Hybrid Project Manager VITO